Face book
Have you noticed recently that our blog posts are becoming infrequent? I blame face book and myspace! Ever since my dear husband has joined these new technological diary's our blogspot has been neglected.
However much i complain, i must confess i have been sucked in by face book and now have my own page; yet i'm already over it-what purose does it serve? I still can't get my head around e-mail and texting. I think i was meant to be born 100 years ago!
On other news, we've had James and Dawn Wilson with us in Auckland for the weekend which has been lovely. We've taken them to St Hellier's beach for brunch and up One Tree Hill for the sights. They are off exploring this week before continuing on their world adventure on Friday.
Gracie is as gorgeous as ever! She has been a bit unsettled over the past few days and seems to be chewing on her fingers all the time, so i'm guessing those teeth are starting to make their long, slow and painful way through the gums. I'll leave you with a photo of us snuggling after our nap time!