Photos please!
I've been asked by a few people now to update our blog, but the truth is we've been so busy, working by day, seeing friends by night, that there isn't that much of interest to blog about! We did however have a great morning with our friend Jeff the other week who took us out to visit one of the national parks in east Auckland (photo below)-thanks Jeff!.
The weather is still amazing and although we have rain showers most days, it's still around 20 degrees most days-not bad for the start of winter!
Paul has his last day in the church office today and leads worship for the last time on Sunday. We then have a week left to get packed up before we say goodbye to the country we know as home.
Gracie is doing well, she has now fully recovered from 'hand, foot and mouth' which was pretty awful and is just making us laugh we the things she does and finds funny. She has taken to kissing things that she likes, such as most pages in her books and the 'baby' on the empty bubble bath bottle!
Jeff, Gracie and Paul on our mini hike!
Gracie having a bath with 'baby'!!!