Great News!
Today I went to the church 'moms' group for the first time in ages and took a break from dragging Gracie over to the hospital. We both had a great time; Gracie-playing with all the toys and children, and me; listening to a great woman talking about slowing our lives down. When I got home I had a message from the hospital so I called them back straight away and they gave me the amazing news that Phoebe is going to be discharged on Monday morning!
We are so excited by this news and are truly amazed at how Phoebe has pulled through the odds and will be coming home exactly 11 weeks after she was born...3 weeks before she was even due to arrive in this world! God is so faithful.
Another great thing to mention is that Phoebe had her hearing test and passed! She has normal hearing and they don't need to see her again.
The mad rush to do all the jobs I need to do before Monday is on!
Oh Laura, that is so exciting, I am so happy for you all. I hope that everything goes smoothly and that Gracie adapts well to her full time big sister role!! Love and kisses to you all, especially Phoebe. Love from Lucyxxx
this is brilliant!! so happy for you all,
love Fuffy xx
A complete family after all these weeks - how wonderful Darlings - 2 weeks today, and I will be almost with you!
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