Tuesday, 31 March 2009

A new rhythm...

We've had 3 nights at home with Phoebe now, and although we're progressively getting more tired, Phoebe is becoming more settled and is adjusting to the quiet life. She has made some progress in the bowel dept which is good news, although she still needs to do an almighty poop to really clear her tummy. The community nurse popped in yesterday and weighed her and she is continuing to put on weight which is excellent - yesterday morning she was weighing 6lbs 5oz so we can hazard a guess that she'll be 6.6 or 6.7 today. Gracie continues to dote on her and tonight they had their first bath together. Here are a few more photos to add to the collection!
Phoebe having her first bath at home in the kitchen sink!
Lovely cuddles with daddy
Gracie getting creative
Sleeping like a baby... Literally
More Lord...
Gracie and Phoebe bathing together
Our two smiling girls...


Chezza said...

Just such gorgeous pictures! Such cute girlies!!

Trev said...

So wonderful to know you're all home together!

Anonymous said...

Sweetness :D