Things we're using on the web!
Since we have moved away from our original blog at, I've been looking around the web trying to figure out the best ways of freely storing photos, videos etc on to the web. I thought I'd share with you what I've found, so that you could start your own blog if you wanted to.We've just started using a browser called Flock - it is a really nice simple interface, and integrates perfectly into blogger, flickr, and photobucket. It has some great extensions, as well PC/Mac compatibility.
Gmail really is one of the greatest email providers I've come across - i've had free accounts with almost everyone. I've paid for email accounts, but none of them compare with Gmail. Google have really done well with this - so much storage available, and so many integration with all the other Google apps.
We've taken advantage of the new version of blogger - it is very easy to have fun with the template, and with the addition of widgets, it is possible to do so much more with the look and feel of your blog. With the new ease of use, or blog will have template changes regularly.
We've been uploading photos through Flickr - it is simple enough to use, and as I said before we are able to upload photos through our Flock browser. It is as simple as dragging the photos we want into the browser, giving them a name, and hey presto!!! From within Flickr, we can then post photos to our blog, make slideshows, print them, abd heaps more.
This is my latest discovery - while I've used YouTube for ages, and laughed with the rest of the world at the hilarious videos to be found, I've not actually started using it to upload videos until recently. It's great! We are able to post our videos of Gracie, and embed them on our blog so that you can all view them - how cool is that.
Because we are using a Mac, we have had some problems with having webcam chats with people on PC, but Skype have a version which allows webcam chat between PC & Mac - thanks Skype! We're currently using their beta version 2.5 for Mac. Skype is free software that allows free calls from computer to computer, and very cheap calls from computer to landline. It's worth a download!
I am also using Myspace as a way of keeping in touch with new and old friends; I have a Myspace Music account, so will post some music up there once I can get my recordings sorted! It's great fun - you'd be amazed at how many old friends I have found on here!
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