Sunday, 4 January 2009

Arriving in Canada

We arrived in Canada in the cold and snow which was somewhat magical! Having not seen snow in any form for the last 3 years in New Zealand, it was very refreshing to arrive to piles of it everywhere. Gracie was very unsure at first, but she's taken to it now and has enjoyed her first snowman, sledding, snowballs and snow angels!

We on the other hand were in a poor state for our first few days, and I hardly remember opening my eyes to be honest with you... We're staying though in a fantastic house, and our hosts John & Alyson have been absolutely amazing; We had a great fun new years eve with them on our 2nd day, although we were in bed by 8:30!

Our arrival in Calgary (we ended up spending hours here delayed!)
Our first morning in Langley, and out in the snow!
The road we are staying on following fresh overnight snow
Gracie's first sledding
Gracie and Matthew (our pastors 2nd boy)