Monday, 19 January 2009

Phoebe's into her second week!

Phoebe continues to do really well and is now into her second week. Today she had the lines removed from her belly button which is great news; They discovered that she does have an infection in her blood, so along with a course of antibiotics this should help to clear it. She now has an IV in her hand, her respiratory tube in her mouth, and a feeding tube in her nose! Saying it like that makes it sound like a lot, but it feels SO much less than yesterday even! She had some more blood today which is also good I guess, although not sure what purpose it serves! You can never have too much blood though right?

She has gained some weight which is really good news - she's now weighing in at 1008g which isn't bad at all. We had a lovely visit with her this evening and were able to change her nappy, wash her eyes and mouth, and take her temperature; It's slowly feeling like Phoebe is actually our baby! I spent some lovely time sitting with her holding her hand and chatting to her - she opened her eyes in response which was very cute! She doesn't say much yet though. The 'tintle tintle' videos are a long way off yet! 

Laura and I went to the doctors today too which was good - I've got antibiotics for bronchitis, and Laura still has the rattle in her chest... I've told her to stop eating Phoebe's toys. On a serious note, we could really use some prayer for our health as a family... It would be great to get rid of these minor ailments and return to full health. 

Here are some photos from tonight; Phoebe's first ever 'tummy time'