Monday 29 May 2006

Much Prayer Needed

OK guys, we need to mobilise the prayers among our readers. Laura found out yesterday that her temp job comes to an end this Thursday. We are living in a flat that is very much dependant on 2 incomes - of course with a baby on the way we have planned to move out before the baby comes, but the sooner the better now that her employment is totally up the creak!

We have 3 months left on our contract, but have asked to be released ASAP so that we can get in to something much much cheaper - i've left this with our landlord, but could really use some prayer that they would have favour on us and let us out.

If you could pray that would be absolutely amazing. We'll keep you posted.


dave and janelle said...

We will keep you in our prayers. Congrats on the Kinglett. The "morning" sickness is soooo worth it, but it won't feel like it right now. Hang in there.