Our girls...
After two of the longest and hardest weeks of our lives, things seem to be a bit brighter today! Last night Laura went to the hospital and held Phoebe for the first time; She had about 40 minutes of skin to skin contact with her which she absolutely loved. Although I wasn't there, Laura was amazed at just how small little Phoebe is when she's in your arms. I'll be having some time with her tomorrow, so I'll post from my perspective.
From a medical point of view, Phoebe appears to be doing really well. She is breathing on her own again (with the support of C-PAP) which is really good news, and she continues to gain weight, now sitting at 1064g. They are increasing the quantity and regularity of feeds every 12 hours, and she is loving Laura's 'Gold Top' milk!
Gracie is on brilliant form also... She's been very unsettled the past couple of weeks, but the last day or so has returned to her old self with lots of singing, laughter and some fantastic one liners!
It feels like even though we have a long road ahead of us, things are getting a little easier. We hope and pray this continues and that both of our gorgeous girls begin to thrive as we attempt to settle into life here in Canada.
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