Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Anyone for milk?!

Since having Phoebe, I have needed to use a pump to express milk every three hours so to trick my body into thinking I'm feeding my baby and to produce enough milk to give for Phoebe's feeds. Apparently most mothers of premature baby's have trouble with producing milk as they are not with their babies and don't have the physical contact needed to stimulate hormones (or something like that!) Anyway... I am 'lucky'?! enough to have the opposite problem and have an enormous milk supply that I've been carefully labeling and freezing at the hospital and home. My storage allocation at the hospital ran out within two weeks and I have now filled the huge deep freeze at Alyson and John's!

The hospital encourages mothers with spare breastmilk to donate, so today I inquire about this but am told that I can't donate because I am British and may have mad cow disease! This is the most amusing thing i've heard in a while but I feel gutted I now have to chuck all the milk I pump day and night down the sink as well as a lot of the frozen milk. I could only bring myself to throw 7 of the 16 bags of frozen milk so if anyone is in need of breastmilk and isn't worried about me having mad cow disease, I'm giving it away!    
Saying goodbye to 7 bags of milk!


Anonymous said...

How UTTERLY GUTTING! Couldn't they have tested you for Mad Cow - Cow being the operative word!! Laura I really feel for you - I remember so well the thrill of being able to donate milk to the hospital when Amy was a tiny, so having to threw it away is almost unbearable! Once again - the roller coaster ride of having little Premmie Phoebe!
Love you

Emma Andrews said...

That is classic!!!! LOVE the photo! I always felt a bit peeved that we couldn't give blood in NZ for the very same reason! Crazy eh?! Lots of love to you all, Ems.xx

Unknown said...

Well, my semi-skimmed goes off in a couple of days - wing me some of yours over so that I don't run out, will you?!!