Monday, 23 February 2009

Update on Phoebe - Six weeks old today...

Good news once again; Phoebe is back off her CPAP! She was taken off her CPAP today after the nurses noticed that the prongs were aggravating her nose just a little too much - I agree with them, and the cap is giving her an awful conehead

She is tolerating being off the CPAP brilliantly and has only had 1 minor desaturation which is good - she was able to get back to normal all by herself which is great too. Her increase in weight is certainly a key factor in her ongoing success - at yesterdays 'weigh in' she was pulling a mean 1645g (3lbs 9oz ish) gaining 40g on the day before; IT feels a little like we're on the 'anti' biggest loser, with huge celebration every time we hear she's gained (I'm guessing there won't be a $1,000,000 prize either if she wins!) 

Over the last 2 weeks Phoebe has had some loose stools which the doctors are really wracking their brains over; They don't really know what is causing them, so they are eliminating the additives to her milk one by one - we'll keep you posted, although today her stool was a little more 'substantial' which is definitely something to get excited about! 

Tomorrow she will be having an eye exam and we should know the results straight away; We're feeling confident as she does seem to be able to look at us and is interested in us even if she can't necessarily focus on us. I'm guessing she'll only be able to read the top line of the chart though!!! 

We're still waiting on news of a transfer  - we'd love for them to send her to Surrey Memorial hospital, but they are always full for some reason so it's just a case of waiting. We'd really appreciate your prayers on this. 

There is also the chance that if things go well this week she will graduate from the isolette into a crib (cot) which would be such great progress. There are a number of factors that determine this, but essentially it is dependent on Phoebe being able to regulate her body heat. We're excited about this, as it feels like one step closer to normality. 

In all, we've got SO much to be thankful for. Although we take each day as it comes on this rollercoaster, we praise God for all that he is doing in our life and in the life of Phoebe. I've been finding great encouragement in Psalm 139 and know that Phoebe is in the hands of our amazingly faithful and loving father. 
Phoebe in an adorable little outfit sent by Esther
Laura taking Phoebe to the scales for the first time
Changing Phoebe's 'diaper'


Emma Andrews said...

Hey these photos are just gorgeous! We are praying for that transfer! Love you guys lots, Ems.x